OBMG logo revised 7.8.jpg

Terms of Reference


To continuously improve the marine safety and efficiency of the harbour and its environs for the benefit of all users.


The Oban Bay Management Group has been providing a joint approach to improving navigational safety at Oban since 2007. The group consists of Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL), Argyll & Bute Council (A&BC), Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB), CalMac Ferries Ltd (CFL), Oban Bay Stakeholder Group (OBSG), Oban Community Harbour Development Association (OCHDA) and Oban Community Council (OCC).

The OBMG has conducted 3 navigation risk assessments in in 2014, 2016 and 2019 and taken the lead in updating the Oban Bay Code of Practice which defines best practice to all mariners when operating within Oban Bay. The group is now in the process of contributing to the creation of wider Statutory Harbour Area for the whole of Oban Bay to ensure the risk areas highlighted in the latest navigation risk assessments can be effectively acted upon in a timely manner.

The OBMG has recommended a Statutory Harbour Area covers the whole of Oban Bay to ensure the safety recommendations made in the navigation risk assessments can be implemented.


  • To work in a collaborative, consensus based partnership towards the agreed aim
  • Hold regular meetings of Group Partners with input from other operational users as required
  • Review recorded marine incidents and act on outcomes
  • Review and update Navigation Risk Assessment and implement any mitigating measures identified
  • Review and update the Code of Practice for Oban Bay, North Entrance and the Sounds of Kerrera and update as necessary
  • Contribute towards the creation of the annual Oban Bay leisure guide
  • Consider, evaluate and make recommendations to group partners with respect to the development proposals within Oban Harbour for the benefit of the community and its stakeholders
  • Engage with local groups, organisations and associations to realise opportunities as they arise and to evaluate fit with the Harbour Management
  • Provide and manage a forum that allows for engagement and interaction with all harbour users and facilitates communications between the different groups
  • To support the implementation of the most effective Statutory Harbour Area solution as agreed by the OBMG that provides the appropriate legal framework to manage the marine activity


  • The meetings will be organised by the Chair
  • An appointed Chair will chair the meetings and be responsible to ensure the TOR are delivered.
  • The performance, functionality and terms of reference of the OBMG will be reviewed annually
  • The position of the Chair will be reviewed annually and will be formally proposed and seconded. This will be recorded
  • The continuing need for the OBMG will be reviewed at the time of the creation of a Statutory Harbour Authority covering the whole of Oban Bay

Working Methods

  • The Group has no powers or statutory role
  • Decisions are based on consensus
  • Where a consensus does not exist a majority and minority opinion may be recorded
  • The chair’s role has no casting vote
  • Meetings will be held approximately every 2 months
  • Agenda and papers will be distributed 7 days in advance of the meeting, however, the Chair may agree to the acceptance late papers, by exception
  • Minutes / actions to be recorded and distributed to the OBMG members ideally within 10 days, with a view to be finalised within 20 days and published on the website within 30 days
  • There will be an agreed standing agenda with additional items being added on a needs basis
  • Other parties may be invited to attend meetings as and when appropriate